Please visit our large selection of name brand gluten free foods and gluten free items. These gluten free brand name foods are the top sellers.
Here is GlutenSmart’s list of gluten free brand name food and drink products. We’re your gluten free online superstore – if you can’t find gluten free products at your grocery store or mall, we’ll ship these items to your door! Gluten free (sometimes misspelled as glutin free or gluton free) diet foods from GlutenSmart. Gluten free food items. Visit our gluten free food items and gluten free food list. gluton free, glutin free.
[…] Celiac Disease is a serious digestive system condition in which the small intestine is attacked by the body’s immune system, causing functional damage. This restricts the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. This happens when a person with the disease consumes foods and beverages containing gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in barley, wheat, and rye and foods made with these ingredients. People with the condition become ill after eating foods that contain gluten. Gluten can be found in non-food products as well, such as lip balms, medicines, and vitamins. So, it is important that people with the disease or parents of children with the disease are aware of the ingredients of the foods and products they use. Food and health and beauty product manufacturers are required to disclose if their products contain gluten. Then it is time to start living a gluten free lifestyle and eat gluten free foods. […]